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Cyber Innovation Research Group at San Diego State University


Principle Investigator

        Dr. Wei Wang, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Computer Science, San Diego State University



Ph.D. Students:  

        Yutong Song, Ph.D. Student, Computational Science Research Center, SDSU.

        Krishna Murthy Kattiyan Ramamoorthy, Ph.D. Student, Computational Science Research Center, SDSU.

        Shuan He, Ph.D. Student, Computational Science Research Center, SDSU.



Master Students:

        Vidas Sileikis, Master student in Computer Science.

        Guga Esitashvili, Master student in Computer Science.

        Monica Purwanti, Master student in Computer Science.

        Deepthi Rachakonda, Master student in Computer Science. Initial Appointment: Amazon.

        Aditya Ashok, Master student in Computer Science. Initial Appointment: Amazon.

        Amruta Godse, Master student in Computer Science. Initial Appointment: Google.

        Robert Tran, Master student in Computer Science.



Undergraduate Students:

        Evan Ballesteros, Undergraduate Student in Computer Science.

        Kaliyah Johnson, Undergraduate Student in Computer Science. Initial Appointment: Microsoft.

        Edwin Perez, Undergraduate Student in Computer Science.

        Julia Cai, Undergraduate Student in Computer Science.




        Qin Wang, Ph.D. in Information and Telecommunications Systems. Initial Appointment: Faculty at New York Institute of Technology.

        Tracy Steinman, Master in Computational Science. Research topic: wireless video relay rate control algorithms. Initial Appointment: IBM.

        Aarti Gokhale, Master in Computer Science. Research topic: energy efficient iOS APP development. Initial Appointment: Intel.

        Rashmi Kuntala, Master student in Computer Science, research topic: Game Theoretical Approaches for Wireless Multimedia Communications.

        Navya Kumar, Master in Computer Science. Research topic: energy efficient wireless video coding.

        Vaishnavi Balaji, Master in Computer Science. Research topic: energy efficient wireless image compression. Initial Appointment: Iteros.

        Enrique Leon, Bachelor in Computer Science. Research topic: mobile epilepsy monitoring system development. Initial Appointment: SPAWAR.

        Chase Cabrera, Bachelor in Computer Science. Research topic: mobile epilepsy monitoring software. Initial Appointment: Startup iDONATEpro.

        Alan Diaz, Bachelor in Computer Science. Research topic: breast cancer imaging classification. Initial Appointment: Ph.D. student at Trinity College Dublin

        Gabriela Passis, Bachelor in Computer Science. Research topic: image compression and wireless transmissions.

        Lin Xing, Awardee of the ANSS 2011 Best Paper Award. Initial Appointment: Faculty at Yunnan Normal University.

        Zhe Li, Now at Apple, CA, USA.

        Austin Hanson, Initial Appointment: Amazon, San Francisco, CA, USA.

        Gensheng Zhang, Now at Google, CA, USA.

        Chunqiu Wang, Now at Microsoft, Seattle, WA, USA.

        Donghoon Kang, Initial Appointment: Seagate Technology, Minneapolis, MN, USA.

        Hyun-I Kim, Initial Appointment: LG Research, Seoul, South Korea.

        Runan Yao, Initial Appointment: Litholink Laboratory Corporation, Chicago, IL, USA.

        Jucheol Moon, Initial Appointment: Ph.D. student at Iowa State University, USA.

        Samaneh AminiKhanghahi, Initial Appointment: Ph.D. student at Washington State University, USA.

        Byung-Kwan Jung, Initial Appointment: Ph.D. student at Texas Tech University, USA.

        Chul-Woo Pack, Master in Computer Science, co-supervised with Prof. Sung Shin at South Dakota State University. Research topic: breast cancer imaging.